VaporX is an odor and vapor control agent that functions by first capturing and then greatly enhancing the biological destruction of offending organic agents. The product has numerous applications for a wide variety of odor and vapor generating situations with notable uses at landfills, chemical plants and animal production and processing plants.
Almost all offending odors are organic in nature. VaporX works by utilizing a combination of unique chemical and biological agents, which are specifically designed to chemically absorb organic odors and vapors. Once the agents have been captured within the VaporX matrix, naturally occurring bacteria are greatly encouraged to consume the offending chemical by utilizing the specialized nutritional formula within the VaporX designed to enhance biological growth. Therefore, odors and vapors are not simply masked or captured until they can re-emerge as is the case with a variety of competing products. VaporX destroys the offending agents.
VaporX was originally used as a product to stimulate the growth of bacteria for the control of grease and fats. It worked well in that capacity. However, a significant side benefit was observed while using VaporX in these situations. Treatment of grease traps often involves significant odor problems. It was noted in field studies that odors were greatly diminished when using the product to treat fats and grease. Studies were conducted to test the efficacy of the product for removing vapors.
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