BioSurFactant Plus
BioSurFactant Plus, (BSF~Plus) is a water based biosurfactant. Used in bioremediation, it offers excellent solubilization and desorption of contaminants in soil and groundwater.
BSF~Plus has proven to easily form micelles. Formation of micelles is understood to significantly enhance bioremediation of petroleum and petrochemical contaminants within soil and groundwater by greatly increasing the surface area contact between the water phase, where the petroleum degrading bacteria actually live, and the relatively insoluble target contaminant. Petroleum degrading bacteria are known to further enhance the degradation process by producing additional surfactants of their own to further enhance the solublization of petroleum. Individual petroleum degrading bacteria then engulf the tiny solublized petroleum micelles for use within the bacteria as food for energy and production of additional bacteria.
In addition to aiding with the formation of micelles, BSF~Plus further enhances the bioremediation process by supplying essential nutrients within the BSF~Plus formulation that are needed by the bacteria for healthy growth and development of bacterial cellular material.
Key Advantage of BioSurFactant Plus
- BioSurFactant Plus creates micelles or “micro emulsion”, thus increasing the exposed molecular surface area of contaminants to available bacteria.
- BioSurFactant Plus further accelerates bioremediation by providing essential nutrients for healthy biological growth
- BioSurFactant Plus is effective in many diverse geologic formations
- BioSurFactant Plus is compatible with most existing remedial technologies (i.e. pump & treat, iSOC, Gas Infusion Generator, air sparging, soil flushing, etc.)
- BioSurFactant Plus is non toxic, neutral ph and safe to use
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