Wastewater Treatment Plant

Fats, oils and grease (FOG) are a major problem for wastewater collection and treatment systems; Causing manhole and lift station overflows, sewage backups in homes and businesses and general system clogging issues at treatment facilities.

The EGS-12 treatment process all but eliminates problems associated with FOG. The process is extremely efficient and very cost effective.

Read more about FOG Wastewater Treatment and Groundwater Remediation.

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EGS-12 FOG Treatment Case Study

VTX Sulfide Treatment

EGS-12 FOG Product Sheet

VTX-E Safety Data Sheet

VTX Case Study

Sulfide PowerPoint Presentation*

EGS-12 Safety Data Sheet

VTX Sulfide Treatment Catalysts

VTX Links

Slideshow Presentation

PDF Presentation

VTX Catalysts

This VTX Catalytic Process is an efficient treatment procedure for recalcitrant organic compounds. The process is based upon the finding that a certain organic catalyst (VTX) plus a variety of oxidizing compounds including calcium, magnesium and hydrogen peroxide, ozone, persulphate or permanganate can be employed to degrade recalcitrant organic compounds within soil and/or water. With this technique, wastewater, groundwater, or soil containing organic contaminants having at least one oxidizable aliphatic or aromatic functional group can be completely oxidized on contact. A broad list of treatable chemicals would include selected pesticides, petroleum hydrocarbons, complex cyanides and chlorinated solvents. Included in the list of readily treatable chemicals are such notable contaminants such as MtBE, TCE, BTEX, and PCE.

The VTX catalyst is EPA TSCA approved for safe use within the environment. VTX is a complex organic compound which, when combined with selected oxidizing agents, rapidly generates significant quantities of free hydroxyl radicals. Importantly, the VTX Process works over a range of pH from 6 to 10. With the correct amount of oxidant, the target organic compound(s) and VTX catalyst are consumed in the process leaving only CO2, salts and water as final products with complete oxidation. Importantly, it is a rare occurrence that the VTX Process generates noticeable sludge in a water treatment applications.

The VTX Process can be employed in a variety of ways and is easily adaptable to existing treatment systems. The contact time for the oxidation process to occur is short, varying from a few minutes to 3 hours, depending on the nature of the targeted compound(s).

The VTX Process can replace existing oxidative wastewater treatment systems of any size. Importantly, VTX based treatment systems are usually more efficient and provide for lower cost than competing oxidation treatment systems. A VTX system requires no materials of special construction and power requirements are absolutely minimal. The design is simple. Metered injection of the ingredients, rapid in-line mixing, and adequate retention time are the primary design criteria.

VTX Links

Technical Information

Case Studies